The symbolic triangle: Laplace operator is synonymous with improvement of regularity for solutions of elliptic equations, and allows us to compare them. From these remarkable properties we extract the information that emerges in the analysis of PDEs.
However, there are occasions where the Laplacian vanishes, or degenerates. Or it is deformed by nonlinearities. In parabolic equations, it has only a tangential relation with the distinguished time variable.
The main goal of DelliRio 2025 is to gather researchers in the field of elliptic and parabolic PDEs with different backgrounds and expertises. We aim to revisit classical tools and its recycling into new problems and applications.
The list of invited speakers include first quality scholars combining some senior researchers mixed with younger ones. There will be some free time for informal discussions, and in this way try to profit from the interactions during the conference.
Scientific Committee
Erwin Topp (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BR)
Julio Rossi (Universidad Torcuato di Tella, AR)
Eduardo Teixeira (University of Central Florida, USA)
Manuel del Pino (University of Bath, UK)
Organizing Committee
Erwin Topp (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BR)
Julio Rossi (Universidad Torcuato di Tella, AR)
Julio Hoyos (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, BR)
Daniela Negreiros (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,BR)